Imaginative ideas coming to life.
Dinner made by the land, on the land.
Rethink dining to be conscious consumption, nourishing engagement, and intentional living.
Wednesday-Saturday 17:00-19:30.
May-September (subject to change).
Holiday hours may vary.
Coming soon in 2028!
This is where access to publicly hosted events will be detailed.
Available year-round.
Schedule TBD.
Available during both high- and off-season.
High season includes but is not limited to: feeding, planting, waste management, composting, weeding/maintenance, harvesting, organizing, restaurant prep.
Off-season includes all of these with the addition of event planning.
Accomodation is provided for 1-week periods.
Today, tomorrow etc.
The unseen forces that brought me here are neither furtive nor indiscriminate after all. Instead they have allowed me to look at my own survival and query: can the unabashed exploration of personhood (such as storytelling, gratitude, study of the physical, study of the metaphysical, serenity, joy, and weirdness) still have a place of authentic expression? When I come to discover that the times people gather most is for work, I dare to ask if it’s possible to take my skills and create a world where we gather equally if not more for the ceremony of living? I suppose I have reached my end with dreaming and have sided with the Charles Duhigg’s philosophy of habits. Every day I will learn one more way to live sustainably, one more way to connect with people who want to share ways of doing the same, one more avenue for expression until my dream world simply emerges out of the accumulation of all these tiny steps. Heartfield won’t be the sign yet to hang outside my farm, but the autotelic function behind it.

With each season.
Perhaps the most beautiful thing is this: homesteading subjects you to change, perhaps the truest thing that exists. The seasons, the rise and fall of the sun, allow us to digest nature’s paradox of constant change, or permanent impermanence. Matching pace with these asymmetrical clocks resonate with the seasons in us. The changing needs, comforts, and conditions for growth. As long as I am willing to bend like the water, all will happen as it should.