The property.

Today S showed me the other side of his property, about fifteen times as large as the garden in which I had been getting dirty. Although cardinal technicalities would assign this as the front, north end of his property, one would really have to determine why that side would be any more front than the sound end. People came and went through that back stairwell. We worked, and lived, and napped in that back garden, while people would stroll past searching to find us bent-backed. If anything, that north end might have seemed to belong to someone else, that is, if that dilapidated building next door really housed anyone. The property was a green scape that rolled downward slowly and then suddenly together with all the fields on this side of the mountain until it folded with another that mirrored it on the horizon. If one hadn’t actually been paying attention, it was not visible where the two mountains buttoned together, but a trick that the mind produced, one the viewer lazily took for granted. We stood, in general, amongst the sun setting. In his best English, he painted his visions in my mind, pointing to an area for one idea, and electing a different area for another. There was so much work to do, was the first thought in my head. I criticized myself immediately for it. Considering that the tour might have been slightly oversold I thought we’d turn back toward the house when he brought my attention to the final parts of the blueprint. “And there’s the wind, the sky, and the silence.” We laughed. But then we stood together and experienced that pervasive silence together.


Welcome to lonely lagoon.


Ellie arrives.